Land Your Dream Job Strategy

Do you want to land your dream job but not sure what step to take next? Then this strategy session is for you

This 1-hour career strategy session centres around your previous experience and what opportunities are available in the Danish employment market for you.

Here's what you can include:

  • Discover your ‘Why’ and what values will help you distinguish what job and type of organisation will be a perfect fit.
  • CV – A quick run through of what you can address in your CV.
  • LinkedIn – Short review of the key things to edit to improve visibility.
  • Cover Letter - how you can add value to your application.

You will leave with a career strategy that will help you to take the first step in searching for the right role in Denmark. Learn how to switch your focus from searching for any position, to exploring the type of organisation that will enable you to be at your best.

After purchase you will be contacted by one of our team to arrange further.
