Cover Letter Tips: Make Yours Stand Out

You have probably heard that you need to create a great cover letter in order to get your application noticed, but do you know what should be included? Did you know that a recruiter looks for very specific things in your cover letter?

Here we list the most relevant things that should be included in your cover letter in order to make yours stand out!

Put In the effort

This is your opportunity to show that you are the right candidate for the job. Read the job description, then adapt your wording to show that you have exactly those skills.

Think of it as a shopping list. The employer wants to acquire everything on the list, you now have to show that you have everything they want. It's not a repetition of your CV! It's about bringing your CV to life.

Here are a few key things you should find out before you start writing:

  • What does the company do?
  • Who are their competitors?
  • Who are their target audience?
  • What does the role involve?
  • What are the essential skills?

Once you’ve found answers to these questions, you’ll be able to make it clear in your cover letter how your skills and abilities match with what the employer is looking for.

How exactly do you make your cover letter stand out?

Below we’ve listed our top tips of how to make your cover letter stand out for the right reasons:

  • Ideally 1 page - don't make it too long and a mix of text and bullet points. Make it easy for the recruiter to read quickly to consider you

  • Give examples of when you utilised the skill set they are looking for

  • Remember to adapt your cover letter specifically to the company / job you are applying for. It takes less than 20 seconds to spot a well written, job specific, company specific letter and even less for a copy/paste application

  • A cover letter in Denmark is very much like the dress code, smart-casual. It needs to have a good blend of professionalism mixed with casual, friendly introduction to who you are – show your personality!

  • Always try to find the person you are addressing. If it isn’t in the vacancy post, then do some research. Showing you have researched the company and its employees, is exactly what will make you stand out

  • Being professional is important, but being memorable is key here, so be friendly

Before you go…

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